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The wealth-generating hot streak for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has turned brutally cold. As prices plunge, companies coll [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cup quencher[/url] apse and skepticism soars, fortunes and jobs are disappearing overnight, and investors feverish speculation has been replaced by icy calculation, in what industry leaders are referring to as a crypto winter. On Monday, the price of bitcoin traded at $20,097, more than 70% [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley mug[/url] below its November peak of around $69,000. Experts say the selloff signals growing trepidation on Wall Street and Main Street about the crypto industry s fundamentals, which r [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] ight now are looking shaky. There was this irrational exuberance, said Mark Hays at Americans for Financial Reform, a consumer advocacy group. They did similar things leading up to the 2008 crisis: aggressively market these products, promise returns that were unreasonable, ignore the risks, and would dismiss any critics as folk who just didnt get it. Yhnn Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine shows no benefit in another coronavirus study
Tampa Bay Innovation Center is now accepting applications for CO.STARTERS Rebuild, a 10-week, live-facilitated virtual program that helps small businesses impacted by COVID-19 refocus, stabilize, and build toward long-term recovery. Small businesses are a major economic driver contributing nearly half of the overall growth of the economy. They have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. By offering the Rebuild program we aim to help our local economy recover more quickly by providing the tools for small businesses to drive innovatio [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley quencher[/url] n, growth and jobs. said Chris Paradies, Tampa Bay Innovation Center chairman and CO.STARTERS facilitator.The program, valued at $550, is being offered during this challenging time to l [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley mug[/url] ocal businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers for a [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley termosar[/url] reduced rate of $275. Additionally, the Tampa Bay Innovation Center has received funding from Creative Pinellas to support artists, art organizations and arts-related organizations within Pinellas County to participate in the Rebuild Program at no cost.Rebuild will run virtually from July 15 through September 16, 2020. To learn more about the Rebuild program, click here..
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Vbhk Family s attorney says inmate was eaten alive by bedbugs at Atlanta s Fulton County Jail
Alabama teammates Mac Jones and DeVont [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]stanley cup[/url] a Smith along with Clemson s Trevor Lawrence and Florida s Kyle Trask have been named finalists for the Heisman Trophy. The Heisman will be awarded January 5 during a virtual ceremony. The coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of the usual trip to New York for the trophy presentation that usually comes with being a finalist.See more: Complete coverage of college football from CBSSportsJones and Smith are the eighth set of teammates to be finalists together since the tradition started in 1982. Smith is trying to become the first wide receiver to win the Heisman since Michigan s Desmond Howard in 1991.If it isn t Smith, who leads the nation in receptions 98 a [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley cup[/url] nd receiving yards 1,511 , the winner will be a quarterback for the 13th time in the last 15 years. Jones leads the nation in efficiency rating 202.34 , completion percentage 76.5 and yards per pass 11.4 , with 32 touchdown passes.The top-ranked Crimson Tide will play No. 4 Notre Dame in the College Football Playoff semifinals on January 1. Jones or Smith would be [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley cup[/url] come Alabama s third Heisman winner, but first that is not a running back. Mark Ingram 2009 and Derrick Henry 2015 were the Tide s first Heisman winners.Lawrence was the preseason favorite to win the award, but missing two games after contracting COVID-19 slowed his campaign. The junior quarterback and presumptive first selection in the next NFL draft did not play Fnfk A second Mississippi gubernatorial candidate won t meet alone with a woman who is not his wife
PAHRUMP, Nev. -- A rural Nevada woman is accused of taking her children with her to abduct and kill a neighbor s dog in a revenge killing in a remote desert area about 60 miles west of Las Vegas.Nye County sheriff s Sgt. David Boruchowitz said Wednesday that 40-year-old Maria Furtado of Pahrump is accused of having her 3-year-old and 15-year-old children with her during the Sunday incident, and of having the teen shoot the dog at least once. Kids against animal cruelty 6 photos [url=https://www.adidascampus.us]adidas campus[/url] The sheriff s deputy says investigators believe Furtado was retaliating after the puppy attacked and killed Furtado s two ducklings last week. Chief Pahrump Justice Court Clerk Alisa Shoults says the woman didn t have a lawyer and remained jailed on animal cruelty, felony child abuse and neglect and misdemeanor theft charges following her initial court appearance Wednesday.Judge set bail at $25,000 and scheduled arraignment for next week. She is due in court again Aug. 19. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-chil [url=https://www.adidassamba.us]adidas samba og[/url] d 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-960282e5-6db9-45b6-94b5-57e6dae [url=https://www.nikeairjordan.es]jordan[/url] 5442b, right-rail-recirc-item--id-960282e5-6db9-45
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Bevk Hollywood s fixation on Black trauma is an issue of diversity
Until now, only six Black mountaineers have reached the top of Mount Everest, according to reports from Outside Business Journal.Now, one group is preparing to become the first all-Black team to summit the worlds highest mountain.From his home in Cortez, Colorado, Philip Henderson hops on his weekly Zoom call. This team of experienced mountaineers is talking strategy, preparation and survival months before embarking on a historic climb. Early next spring, they hope to become the first all-Black [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] team to summit Mount Everest, the worlds highest mountain.The crew, named Full Circle Everest, has grown to seven men and two women. They live all over the country from Florida, California, New York to Colorado, and theyre no strangers to the great outdoors.Henderson will lead this expedition. At 58, hes got 30 years of climbing experience and memorable expeditions under his belt.Everest, which borders China and Nepal, reaches an elevation of 29,035 feet, which means living in the great outdoors in extremely high altitudes for several weeks. Itll take approximately two months, said Henderson. An average day could be six, eight hours, 10 hours. He is training to be ready for every [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley drinking cup[/url] scenario, all while carrying 50 pounds of necessities. In some ways, I feel pressure of being the team leader, said Henderson.This mission is about more than just a team. They want to accomplish something much bigger: bringing awareness of outdoor sports [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] to members of the Black and brown communities who may Utog Shein sues Temu over copyright infringements as the legal feud between the 2 companies heats up
Twitter and Pinterest are taking [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] new steps to root out voting misinformation designed to suppress participation in the November elections.Twitter unveiled a new tool Wednesday that will make it easier for users in the U.S. to report tweets containing misleading information about registering to vote or casting a ballot. The platform said the tool would be available at key moments throughout the election.Pinterest, meanwhile, announced that it will remove posts that include false information about where, how and when people can register to vote or cast a ballot.Most of the big social media platforms already prohibit deliberately misleading information about voting. Twitter and Pinterest announced the new initiatives just before the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses on Monday. As caucuses and primaries for the presidential election get underway, were building on our efforts to protect the public conversation, Carlos Monje Jr., Twitters director of public policy and philanthropy, said in a statement. The companys new tool has already been used in elections in India, the United [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup[/url] Kingdom and the European Union.Election security e [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley thermosflasche[/url] xperts say online voter suppression remains a significant threat as foreign and domestic groups seek to polarize Americans and influence elections.Suppression efforts are often aimed at minorities and other historically disenfranchised groups. Examples in past elections include posts that falsely claim
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Fktg Feinstein seeks temporary Judiciary replacement
Students are demanding stronger gun laws following the deadly shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.Hundreds of students participated in the March for Our Lives rally at the Tennessee State Capitol on Monday. They are calling for an assault weapons ban and the implementation of Extreme Risk Protection Orders.Six people, including three children, were killed last week when an individual, armed with [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] multiple guns, opened fire inside the school.Many of the protesters were wearing red to honor the victims. A moment of silence was also held at the rally in their memory.SEE MORE: Nashville pastor describes how his community is healing from tragedyAt the same time as the rally, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced new measures to protect students. However, his plan did not mention any gun control measures that the protesters were calling for.Lee proposed having armed security guards at every school in Tennessee, providing grants to public and privates schools for security and doubling the funding for school-based mental health resources. These are thoughtful, practical solutions that will enhance the safety of students and teachers immediately, Lee [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup spain[/url] said.Lee added that he s in favor of keeping firearms out of the hands of individuals [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] who may pose a risk to themselves or others. However, he was unable to articulate a plan to do that. He said lawmakers will need to make sure any bill does not infringe on a person s Second Amendment right to bear ams. I m looking for ans Ouhd Teacher cuts own hair to support 5-year-old girl with short hair teased for looking like a boy
The motive [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley nz[/url] behind a 21-year-old gunman s attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola remains undetermined, but the FBI is treating it as an act of terror, a member of the agency said.Working under the presumption that this was an act of terrorism will allow agents to take advantage of certain investigative techniques, FBI Special Agent in Charge Rachel Rojas said.Mohammed Alshamrani, [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]starbucks stanley cup[/url] a Saudi Arabian Air Force officer who had been in flight training at the base for two years, opened fire in a classroom building on Friday, killing three sailors who ran toward danger to protect others, officials said. Several others were injured.The shooter used a handgun and was killed after two deputies exchanged gunfire with him.The deadly shooting appears to be a terrorist attack, White House national security adviser Rober [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url] t O Brien said. Authorities haven t found ties between the attacker and terrorist groups. We don t know yet if he was acting alone, O Brien said on CBS Face the Nation Sunday. The FBI is investigating, and they ve been interviewing, interrogating other Saudi students. The victims were Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, 19, of St. Petersburg, Florida; Airman Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, 21, of Richmond Hill, Georgia; and Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, from Enterprise, Alabama. If not for their actions, and the actions of the Naval Security Force that were the first
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Gukg 4 Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities
The Republican senator who may determine whether or not Neera Tanden will be confirmed to be President Biden s budget director met with the embattled nominee on Monday. [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cup[/url] I can tell you th [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] at I met with her today, and we had a sit-down meeting which was good, Murkowski said.She told reporters that Tanden told her she was at the Capitol and asked if she could visit. Murkowski said she responded, Sure, come on up. Murkowski said she hasn t decided whether to support Tanden s nomination and still has more follow-up questions for her.Last week, a Washington Post reporter reminded Murkowski that Tanden tweeted in 2017 about the Alaska Republican No offense but this sounds like you re h [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley cup[/url] igh on your own supply. You know, we know, and everyone knows this is all garbage. Just stop. Murkowski responded, High on my own supply That s interesting. Should I ask her, My own supply of what The nomination of Tanden to run the Office of Management and Budget is in jeopardy after Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he would not support her nomination. Because the Senate is evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, at least one Republican then must vote to confirm Tanden without Manchin s support. Then Vice President Kamala Harris would have to break the tie.Other moderate Republicans who may have voted for Tanden mdash; Senators Susan Collins, Mitt Romney and Rob Portman mdash; all said they would not vote for h Vjsa Kenneth Chesebro, Trump co-defendant in Georgia 2020 election case, pleads guilty
According to a survey conducted by AAA, young people between the ages of 19 and 24 are more likely to admit they read or send texts while driving. Theyrsquo;re also more likely to think texting while driving is acceptable and less likely to support laws against distracted driving, reports CBS News correspondent Kris Van Cleave. [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] Some states dangerously behind in driving safety laws 03:28 When 24-year-old LeClaude Numa is not walking, he admits he has a bit of a lead foot.When yoursquo;re driving, how often do you speed Van Cleave asked him. I would say nearly all the time, Numa said. Numa said hersquo racked up nearly a $1,000 in speeding tickets. Why not just slow down Van Cleave asked. Well, me personally, I think it has to do with the generation Irsquo;m in -- you know, millennials. We grew up with a lot of instant gratification, [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba[/url] rdq [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] uo; Numa said.New research from AAA ranks millennials like Numa, ages 19 to 24, as the worst-behaved drivers on the roads. Of the age group, 88.4 percent admitted to speeding, red-light running or texting while driving in the last 30 days. Thatrsquo far worse than drivers 16 to 18, and older drivers - though more than three-fourths of drivers aged 25 to 59
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Zvqv Elon Musk s Twitter deal raising national security concerns
WAUKESHA 鈥?The Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha is reeling after at least five people were killed and more than 40 injured on Sunday when the driver of an SUV rode the vehicle into an ongoing Christmas parade.Both adults and children were among the victims. Police said that they have a person of interest in custody.Below are some ways to help the victims of the tragedy and their families.A vigil has also been scheduled for 5 p.m. at Cutler Park in downtown Waukesha.United For Waukesha Community FundThe Waukesha County Community Foundation and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee Waukesha County have partnered to create the United for Waukesha Community Fund. The money raised [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] will help the families impacted by Sunday evening s horrific events. Click here to donate.Waukesha South Band GoFundMeA GoFundMe has been set up for the Waukesha South Band. Multiple members of the band were hit by the car while they were performing during the parade. This traumatic event has [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cups[/url] brought our community together with heavy hearts. We are looking to help the South band with medical costs, new instruments, and uniforms, as well as any additional expenses that they may encounter due to this horrific event, the description read. Please donate what you can. We are one band family. This story [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley france[/url] was originally published by James Groh on Scripps station TMJ4 in Milwaukee. .Page-below > .RichTextModule {display:none;} .Page-below .Link {font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687; Bqfo Sarasota doctors use robotic cameras to screen for lung cancer
We ve seen cities across the country testing or talking abou [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley becher[/url] t guaranteed income programs where people get money with no strings attached.One pilot project is now seeing success using a similar model to help [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cup[/url] Black business owners and address the structural racism they have experienced. Sometimes it s the smallest amount of money, just like we realized here. The difference between those businesses closing and them staying afl [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] oat was $1,000 a month. It was a small amount of money, but what we did as a lender, which was really unique, was look holistically at this and say it mattered to us to see those businesses in our portfolio survive, said Jessica Norwood, the found of Runway, the firm behind the money going to Black businesses.Runway gave companies in Oakland and Boston $1,000 a month, no strings attached, from March to December.Norwood says every business could use the money how they wanted and all of them ended up being able to stay open.Along with the money, they also received business, mental and emotional support. To have somebody come in and say, don t stress right now, we ve got you, we will figure this out together, because we re all trying to figure this out, I think that s the difference in the kind of money that we re talking about and hopefully the kind of money I want to see everybody talking about, said Norwood.She says they ve gotten requests to expand the pilot to other cities. And she wants to support others who want to bring the business basic income ide
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Ukjt Unbelievably frugal Indianapolis man left $13 million to charities
Washington mdash; South Dakota s House of Representatives voted Monday to put on hold impeachment proceedings against state Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, who is facing criminal charges for fatally striking a man with his car in September.The House approved a resolution 57 to 11 that says state lawmakers may evaluate whether articles of impeachment against Jason Ravnsborg, attorney general of the state of South Dakota, are necessary and proceed accordingly after a decision in his ongoing criminal case.A bipartisan group of South Dakota lawmakers filed a resolution in the House to impeach Ravnsborg after he bucked calls to resign, and impeachment proceedings began last month. [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley cup[/url] According to videos released by Governor Kristi Noem, the state s top law enforcement official told police in interviews he never saw the victim, 55-year-old Joseph Boever, and instead believed he hit a deer with his For [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] d Taurus. But police told Ravnsborg that Boever s broken glasses were found in his car, and bone scrapings were discovered on the shoulder of the highway where he was hit. His face was in your windshield, Jason, think about that, investigators told Ravnsborg in one interview. The attorney general [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] said he didn t know he hit a man until the next day, when he returned to the scene of the crash and saw Boever s body in the grass on the side of the road.Ravnsborg, a Republican, has been charged with three misdemeanors in Boever s death. He fa Fuov This Morning from CBS News, Dec. 6, 2016
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Vfgz Parents may get more money in next stimulus bill
Parents, get those shopping engines started.With Prime Day around the corner, it is time to start thinking back-to-school, even though your son s or daughter s school supply list may not even be available yet.Dee Lundsford is not waiting. I like the sales, she said whil [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley mugs[/url] e checking out at Walmar [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] t. July is always a good month to really go shopping. She s right. If you need school or office supplies, you ll find the best deals of the year starting right now. And inflation has finally leveled off with last month s consumer price index reaching the lowest it has been in a year.Walmart regional manager Matt Goans says the chain is working hard to keep prices at last year s levels. We have backpacks under $20, a great value, he said, showing character backpacks priced at $19.99.Some laptops are even cheaper than last year, he said.Spread out your shopping to saveConsumer savings expert Andrea Woroch says before you buy anyth [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley mug[/url] ing, take inventory of what you have at home. For instance, you may still have a sturdy backpack that just needs cleaning or an unused pack of crayons. Basically, you want to shop at home before you shop the sales, she said.She says a store may draw you in with 10-cent folders, but you dont have to buy everything in one place all at once. You want to beat them at this game by spreading out your purchases over a few weeks, she said.That s especially true if you are in a state with a sales tax holiday in the coming weeks. It may make sense to buy a tablet or C Wzpr SCOTUS rules access to abortion pill can continue amidst legal battle
FLORIDA 鈥?ABC Action News is committed to providing Tampa Bay area residents all of the updates on the coronavirus, COVID-19, and the impact it s having on our way of life. To help yo [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley mugg[/url] u stay on top of it all, we ve compiled all the updates for Thursday, May 14. For today s updates, visit abcactionnews/virus. Don t forget we are in this together!10:55 PMCVS Health said on Thursday it is on track to have 1,000 COVID-19 by the end of the month.10:40 PMThe Food and Drug Administration issued a warning late Thursday over the accuracy of the highly-touted Abbott instant coronavirus test. Specifically, the FDA said that the test has caused some false negative results.9:54 PMBeginning Saturday, De Soto National Memorial will reopen access to the p [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley cup[/url] arks parking lot and nature trails.9:17 PMPresident Donald Trumps Mar-a-Lago club will partially reopen to members as South Florida slowly reopens from the coronavirus lockdown.8:52 PMThe CDC is warning doctors and health care professionals across the country of an inflammatory syndrome that affects children. It could be linked to COVID-19 infection.7:07 PMAs calls grow nationwide for mandatory coronavirus testing in nursing homes, New York facilities are sounding alarms about the states ambitious new demand to test roughly 185,000 workers twice a week.6:28 PMNew guidelines put in place by the Flor [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley mug[/url] ida Agency for Health Care Administration require long-term care facilities to follow CDC guidance, and isolate residents who test positive for COV
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Grad New audio interview emerges of trooper who died after Ronald Greene s deadly arrest: That s why I struck him
Ray Charles and The Judds joined the Country Music Hall of Fame on Sunday in a ceremony filled with tears, music and laughter, just a day after Naomi Judd died unexpectedly.The loss of Naomi Judd altered the normally celebratory ceremony, but the music played on, as the genre s singers and musicians mourned Naomi Judd while also celebrating the four inductees: The Judds, Ray Charles, Eddie Bayers and Pete Drake. Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood, Vince Gill and many more performed their hit song [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] s.Naomi and Wynonna Judd were among the most popular duos of the 1980s, scoring 14 No. 1 hits during their nearly three-decade career. On the eve of her induction, the family said in a statement to The Associated Press that Naomi Judd died at the age of 76 due to the disease of mental illness. Daughters Wynonna and Ashley Judd accepted the induction amid tears, holding onto each other and reciting a Bibl [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup[/url] e verse together. I m sorry that she couldn t hang on until today, Ashley Judd said of her mother to the crowd while crying. Wynonna Judd talked about the family gathering as they said goodbye to her and she and Ashley Judd recited Psalm 23. Though my heart is broken I will continue to sing, Wynonna Judd said. Naomi Judd, left, and Wynonna Judd, of The Judds, perform at the Girls Night Out: Superstar Women of Country, in Las Vegas, April 4, 2011. Julie [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cups[/url] Jacobson / AP Emek Lakers photographer recalls Kobe Bryant s private moments: I got to see the private side of him
BALTIMORE COUNTY, Md. -- A Maryland special education teacher is accused of trying to film female students while they changed clothes, reports CBS Baltimore.Police say Christopher Clark, of Milford Mill Academy high school in Baltimore County, tried to use his cellphone to videotape the schoolrsquo cheerleading team changing in his classroom.Baltimore County police spokeswoman Jennifer Peach tells local news outlets that 46-year-old Clark faces one voyeurism-related charge. He was charged in a criminal summons Friday. Charging documents say Clark admitted that he propped his cellphone on his desk, pressed record and then left his classroom to allow the cheerleaders to change into their uniforms on Jan. 23.Police say a cheerleader discovered the phone before the girls started undressing and brought it to another teacher, according to the station. Clark also allegedly told police he recorded two girls changing in his classroom in a separate incident earl [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] ier in January.In a statement released to CBS Baltimore, school officials said, The safety of our more than 112,000 students is the top priority for Baltimore County Public schools. Once Milford Mill Academy administrators became aware of the alleged incident they took immediate and appropriate action.r [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba[/url] dquo;Clark is no longer employed at the school. Court records donrsqu [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] o;t list an attorney. More from
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Qptz How Trump and past presidents have wielded the presidential pardon
James Buster Corley, one of the co-founders of Dave Buster s has die [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] d. Corley, who founded the arcade bar and restaurant alongside David Corriveau in 1982, was found dead at his home in Dallas on Jan. 2, a representative for the city s police department confirmed to CBS News. It was his 72nd birthday, according to the Dallas Morning News. The preliminary investigation determined when officers arrived they found a man with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, the police representative said. He was taken to a local hospital where he died and the investigation is still ongoing.Corley was remembered as an innovative and creative force, a representative for Dave Buster s said in a statement to CBS News. His pioneering spirit and steadfast belief that everybody is somebody set the foundation for bringing food and games to millions of Dave Buster s guests over the past 40 years, the statement reads. Buster s passion for hospitality, his demand for excellence, and the deep care he had for his team members were unparalleled. Our hearts go out to his family at this difficult time [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] and while we will miss his wise counsel and his easy laugh, the legacy he and Dave built endures. Dave Corriveau, President and Co-Founder and Buster Corley, CEO and Co-Founder. Michael Loccis [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]stanley cup[/url] ano/FilmMagic Corley first opened a resta Cani Remains of Indiana soldier killed during World War II identified
The search for the missing EgyptAir Flight 804 s voice and data recorde [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse[/url] rs raises new questions about why flight information is not broadcast in real time.The technology already exists and would provide investigators quick access after a crash, but airplanes have been slow to adopt it, reports CBS News correspondent Kris Van Cleave.After Air France Flight 447 crashed off the coast of Brazil in 2009, it took almost two years and $40 million to retrieve its black boxes from the bottom of the Atlantic.Missing EgyptAir jet calls attention to history of flight incidentsMalaysia Airlines Flight 370 s flight recorders still haven t been recovered because no one knows exactly where in the Indian Ocean to look. I can find my kids by pinging their iPhone. We shouldn t have aircraft that disappear anywhere [url=https://www.nikedunk.us]nike dunk[/url] in the world today, said former National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Deborah Hersman.Hersman wants planes to stream black box data whenever something unusual happens, in order to help investi [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy[/url] gators. Next steps in search for missing EgyptAir Flight MS804 02:53 We want to make sure that when they arrive on scene, they don t have to go down to the ocean floor to find those recorders, Hersman said. They have some of the most important information in their hand
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Vpbm Limited number of Pinellas County offices, parks to reopen Monday
HAINES CITY, Fla. 鈥?Haines City High School is at full capacity, leaving parents having to enroll students in another school.With the first day of school just two weeks away, Haines City parents are being told to find another high school for their students to attend. Haines City is at the space where we just literally cannot put a [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] ny more students in that school, said Polk Education Association President Stephanie Yocum.Polk County Public Schools sent letters to parents informing them that Haines City High School has reached maximum capacity. The school has a capacity of 3,000 students. The projected enrollment of [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cups[/url] students this upcoming school year is 2,925. Yocum said capping enrollment at Haines City High is best for the student and teacher experience. When you have 50 kids in an algebra class, do you think that your student is getting the most individualized attention that they can get Probably not, Yocum said.This enrollment cap will only impact new [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] students who have moved to the area since the end of the 2021-22 school year. Parents are being given two options. They can enroll students at Ridge Community High which is about six miles away. They may also file a request to transfer their student to another high school in the district. The second option does not include school bus transportation.Yocum tells ABC Action News schools cant be built fast enough for the influx of families moving to Polk County. We need to make sure that we are advocating that our public educati Ujsp READ THE LETTER: FAMU Interim President calls for resignation of university leaders
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 鈥?One of the hidden dangers in schools across America may be the schools themselves. Around the country, students and teachers are reporting, failing and old school infrastructure is affecting their health. Earlier this year, one of our teachers, a 26-year veteran, was diagnosed with mesothelioma, said Jerry Jordan, who is the president of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers.PFT is a union suing the School District of Philadelphia over the failure to maintain school buildings, and failure to protect teachers and students from potentially cancer-causing asbestos.PFT said it informed the district of potentially dangerous conditions at several schools last year. That include issues of asbestos, mold, rodent infestation and failing HVAC systems. Its a [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termoska[/url] responsibility to educate children and educate them in a safe and healthy environment. That has been ignored over and over again, said Jerry Jor [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] dan. When the budget season comes around in June, it is just pushed on the back burner every year. Well it is time to stop. Jennifer Ballard is an elementary school teacher at Thomas M. Pierce in Philadelphia.Lat [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley quencher[/url] e last year, students and teachers were moved out of the school building, because of the discovery of asbestos in the buildings basement. That was the gym. The kids would walk past it all the time, said Ballard.Ballard thinks she, other teachers, and even students had illnesses that were caused by conditions at the school, because since they relocated, there
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Llaj Elizabeth Warren says she raised $19 million in the second quarter of the year
Arizona Republicans voted Saturday to censure Cindy McCain and two prominent GOP members who have found themselves crosswise with former President Donald Trump.The censures of Senator John McCain s widow, former Senator Jeff Flake and Governor Doug Ducey are merely symbolic. But they show the party s foot soldiers are focused on enforcing loyalty to Mr. Trump, even in the wake of an election that saw Arizona inch away from its staun [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] chly Republican roots.Party activists also reelected controversial Chairwoman Kelli Ward, who has been one of Mr. Trump s most unflinching supporters and among the most prolific promoters of his baseless allegations of election fraud. The Arizona GOP s combative focus has delighted Mr. Trump s staunchest supporters and worried Republican insiders who have watched the party lose ground in the suburbs as the influence of its traditional conservative establishment has faded in favor of Mr. Trump. A growing electorate of young Latinos and newcomers bringing their more liberal politics from back home have further hurt the GOP. This is a time for choosing for Republicans. Are we going to be th [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] e conservative party said Kirk Adams, a for [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] mer state House speaker and chief of staff to Ducey. Or is this a party ... that s loyal to a single person It s a question of Republican identity that party officials and activists are facing across the country following Mr. Trump s 2020 loss, and particularly after a mob Qnoj The U.S. government could have done a lot more
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said her argument with The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg was no less fierce off camera. Pirro, who was a guest on The View on Thursday, claimed Goldberg kicked her off the set and treated her like a dog behind the scenes.Pirro described the encounter on Fox News host Sean Hannity s radio show. She claimed that after arguing with Goldberg on The View, Goldberg told her backstage to get the F out of this building. When I went off the stage, Sean, I m walking downstairs and I said something like, Whoopi, I fought for victims my whole life, and she came at me as I was leaving and she said F you in my face mdash; literally spitting at me, F you, get the F out of this building, Pirro said.Whoopi Goldberg lectures Mo Nique on The View Pirro continued, And I said to her, did you just say [url=https://www.airforces.us]air force 1[/url] that She said that s what I said, get the F out of this building, and she was screaming at me and I m walking out of the building like a dog who was just kicked off. Pirro appeared later on Fox News Hannity and reiterated her belief that Goldberg suffers from Trump derangement [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] syndrome. Pirro, who hosts Justi [url=https://www.airmaxplus.es]air max[/url] ce with Judge Jeanine on Fox News, was on The View Thursday to promote her new book, Liars, Leakers and Liberals. While Pirro and co-host Meghan McCain were discussing Trump s popularity among Republicans, Goldberg said she had a question. That s when Pirro made a mention of Trump derangement s
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Trader Joe s says it is recalling its Steamed Chi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] cken Soup Dumplings due to the product potentially containing plastic.Trader Joe s says the recalled products have a best by date of 03.07.25 and a lot code of C1-1 or C1-2. The grocery chain says customers should not consume the products and should discard them or return to a Trader Joe s for a full refund.There have not been any injuries or illnesses relating to the recalled products.SEE MORE: Cheese recall expands to include 4 Trader Joe s productsTrader Joe s says the dumplings are served in microwave-safe packaging.While checking your fridge for the dumplings, there might be several other recently recalled products from Trader Joe s in your kitchen.Last month, Trader Joe s recalled four products that contained potentially contaminated cheese. The cheese was part of a broader recal [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley mug[/url] l that involved dozens of products sold throughout the U.S.The products recalled include:- Chick [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] en Enchiladas Verde SKU 58292 - Cilantro Salad Dressing SKU 36420 - Elote Chopped Salad Kit SKU 74768 - Southwest Salad SKU 56077 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said these products were potentially contaminated with listeria.Trader Joe s lists recalledproducts on its website.Trending stories at ScrippsnewsWhy does good grammar matter Rodents can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your carDeadline looms to apply for part of $3M Credit Karma settlement Ndtf Boeing hopes for a win with upcoming Starliner launch
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that there are about 300 American citizens still seeking to leave Afghanistan as the deadline for final evacuations from the country is quickly approaching.Blinken told ABC News on Sunday that the U.S. is actively working to help them get to the airport, get on a plane and get out of Afghanistan. According to the Associated Press, Blinken has also confirmed that the U.S. has the capacity to evacuate those Americans ahead of the deadline but noted that the airport could face another attack in the coming h [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley flask[/url] ours. This is the most dangerous time in an already extraordinarily dangerous mission these last couple of days, Blinken said, according to the AP. .@SecBlinken tells @MarthaRaddatz that officials have identified about 300 American citizens who want to be evacuated by Tuesday deadline: We are very actively working to help them get to the airport, get on a plane and get out of Afghanistan. https://t.co/5z8ChbTew7 pic.twitter/n42BMqF9Ehmdash; This Week @ThisWeekABC August 29, 2021 The AP also reports that national security adviser Jake Sullivan has further confirmed that the U.S. should be able to evacuate those remaining. We have the c [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]starbucks stanley cup[/url] apacity to have 300 Americans, which is roughly the number we think are remaining, come to the a [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] irport and get on planes in the time that is remaining, Sullivan said. We moved out more than that number just Saturday . So from our point of view, there is an opportunity righ
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Hndw Kroger, Publix to install Plexiglas barriers between customers and cashiers amid coronavirus spread
The sweet peace he finds in music is one of the reasons 17-year-old Tony Nelson loves being in his school s chorus. It s soothing to his soul. Music makes me happy. I listen to music. If I m ever sad or down, I listen to music, put my ear pods in and pretend like nothing s in the world, just my music, me and my music, explains Nelson. Tony s had to tune out a lot. He s bounced from one foster home to another since he was a kid, never knowing what it feels like to belong. I wanted to feel like all the other kids at the school I was going to. They re like, Oh, my mom was gonna give me this, or my mom gives me that and I m like, in my head. I m like, I don t really know them. But then outside I was like, well, that s cool. I wish I can have that, says Nelson. Through it all he s tried his best to stay positive. It s why his school nominated him for this public pat on the back. Ondrea Haydel, Sickles High School counselor says, He has [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley tumblers[/url] always been a sweet spirit. Tony is resilient. He has come back from a lot of things that yes, a lot of other students or other kids might think that would just take me out. But for him, he bounces back, he has that abili [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley flasche[/url] ty to, even when times get hard, he bo [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] unces back. And we call that resilience. Tony s focused on channeling his pain into purpose, writing beautiful lyrics, inspired by his ugly past. So you guys can see me a joker to the other kids because I d be filling uses to the deck where they be placing bids. Lucid Dreaming about the gi Tjbj UF ranked top Florida school for 2022-2023 by U.S. News amp; World Report
MOAB, Utah 鈥?After a suddenly world-famous monolith of unknown origin was removed by an unknown person or group late Friday night, the Bureau of Land Management BLM said there was a sharp increase in visitors to the area 鈥?many of whom failed to follow fundamental rules of recreating on public land.The installation itself, the BLM pointed out, was illegal 鈥?although the agency added that for some, it was a welcome distraction from the 2020 news cycle. The BLM added that it did not remove the monolith or call for its removal and was in the midst of investigating where it came from when it vanished.The agency was concerned that the area was not developed for heavy visitation, yet throngs of people showed up, mostly during Thanksgiving week.The agency said that many visitors parked their vehicles on vegetation and drove off of designated roads and trails, both of which are illegal. They also said some visitors left behind human waste since there were no [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] bathrooms in the area. [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]cups stanley[/url] We [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley bottles[/url] may not know if an extraterrestrial or earthling installed the monolith structure, but we can confirm that it has been taken by an unknown party or parties. More: https://t.co/zmlHF4kPn9 monolith utahmonolith utah pic.twitter/TiQMHK9cyM鈥?BLM Utah @BLMUtah November 30, 2020 The BLM reminded the public that there are a number of remarkable places to explore that have been developed for visitation. When visiting these areas and any other public lands, they urge people to follow
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Fcjn Apple pulls WhatsApp and Threads from App Store in China
A Wall Street [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cups[/url] Journal report clai [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley thermos[/url] med budget carrier Spirit Airlines was contemplating a bankruptcy filing amid financial woes. The airline pos [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley drinking cup[/url] ted losses in five of its last six quarters amid struggling conditions as it tries to make a profit. RELATED STORY | No more hot food for certain passengers on long-haul JetBlue flightsThe company also had to make the decision to ground some of its planes due to engine issues. Some of the airline s flight routes were cut in November and December as well. While people with knowledge of the matter said a filing would not be imminent, it wasn t immediately clear if a bankruptcy filing has been ruled out as an option entirely. Ilaf NBA reaffirms national anthem policy after Mark Cuban decides not to play it at Dallas home games
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?Local doctors are concerned as they see colleges and universities report more COVID-19 cases every week. Its happening. Were [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley water bottle[/url] seeing the increase in rates as has been expected, said Dr. Jay Wolfson, USF Health Professor of Public Health, Medicine, and Pharmacy.At the University of Tampa, the university reported 337 students tested positive for COVID-19 in the past three weeks alone.That makes a total of 645 students since the semester started. The University of Tampa and University of South Florida did a good job early on at preparing for this but they cannot control what happens outside in the community, said Wolfson.U [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cup[/url] T tells ABC Action News, the recent spike is due to student complacency for their health because bars and restaurants have reopened. I dont think were having as much spread on campus as much as brought into campus from our students enjoying the community, enjoying the beaches, having a good time with each other and them coming back and testing positive, said Wolfson.UT officials say theyve increased their messaging and campaigns about continuing to be vigilant and complying with the universitys safety plan.As we head into November, experts are concerned students will take positive cases to other states when they go home for Thanksgiving, which is how the virus can spread so rapidly. The trick is to kind of keep it contained for now and see if we can get that [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] 5% rate back down to 4, 3, and 2 before Thanksgiving. Thatll require a lot of personal d
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Bpfd Ohio foster mom adopts two babies born addicted to heroin
Vice President Mike Pence and his wife tested negative for coronavirus, the vice president s press secretary said Saturday. Pence announced he would be tested earlier in the day during the daily briefing by members of the Coronavirus Task Force.A staffer in Pence s office had previously tested positive. Pence said [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cup[/url] that he had not been in contact with the staffer and was showing no symptoms, but would take the test out of an abundance of caution.Meanwhile, at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, senators are working to craft an economic stimulus package that will likely cost upward of $1 trillion and may include direct cash rebates to many Americans. A Republican leadership aide told CBS News late Friday that the bipartisan groups of senators working on the legislation have made significant progress and will continue to work through the night. Lawmakers are expected to continue negotiations on Saturday. President Trump listens to Vice President Mike Pence speak during a briefing in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on March 21, 2020 in Washington, D.C. TASOS K [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] ATOPODIS / Getty Images Mr. Trump said during the briefin [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] g Saturday that there was great national solidarity, and commended Democrats and Republicans in Congress for getting along. They re all negotiating and everyone s working hard and they want to Iuvs DHS chief cites system-wide meltdown over migration at border
Two sets of Michigan twins will tie the knot this weekend, after falling in love with each other--together. The couples shared their first date, engagement and also plan to share their post-marriage home.Identical twins Kassie and Krissie Bevier plan to marry Zack and Nick Lewan in Grass Lake, Michigan, on August 3 and 4, reports the Jackson Citizen Patriot. Krissie and Zack s wedding will take place on Friday and their siblings Kassie and Nick will wed Saturday. The happy couples will then share a reception on Saturday night.The one thing the duos didn t do together was meet. Kassie and Nick met four years ago while attending a psychology class held at Grand Vall [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] ey State University, reports AP. In a stroke of fate, the professor asked the class if there were any twins present. The future lovebirds both raised their hands. I [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] was looking around and I looked behind and I was like, Oh. I m in trouble now, Nick Lewan said. Kassie and Nick chose to go to church one Sunday for their first date and invited their twins Zack and Krissie, who began dating shortly after. And the couples have been in it together [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy[/url] ever since. The two sets of twins are set to marry this weekend in Michigan. Nikos Frazier /Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP We just flow together and it makes sense, Krissie said. There is a special twin bond, and having so
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Zpal Pensacola shooting: Suspect s apparent social media accounts include radical sentiments
Ohio s Republican attorney general put his weight behind a legislative effort Tuesday to bring nitrogen gas executions to the state, joining what could be a national movement in pro-death-penalty states to expand capital punishment on the heels ofAlabama s first useof the method last week.Three states 鈥?Alabama, Mississippi [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] and Oklahoma 鈥?have [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] already authorized nitrogen hypoxia as an execution method, and many more are looking for new ways to execute people because the drugs used in lethal injections have become difficult to find.Attorney General Dave Yost said adding nitrogen gas as an execution alternative in Ohio could end an unofficial death penalty moratorium that Republican Gov. Mike DeWine declared in 2020. The governor said at the time that lethal injection was no longer an option for Ohio because of difficulties finding drugs and repercussions the state could face from drugmakers if one of their pharmaceuticals was used in an execution. The state s last execution was in 2018. Saying that the law of Ohio should be thwarted because pharmaceutical companies don t want to sell the chemicals is an abdicat [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] ion of the sovereignty of the state of Ohio, which still has this law on the books, Yost said.He was joined at a Tuesday news conference by Republican state Reps. Brian Stewart and Phil Plummer, who introduced a bill Tuesday to add the new method.SEE MORE: Alabama executes Kenneth Eugene Smith using nitrogen gasAlabamaused it for the first time Thursday, when convicte Cino eBay will stop accepting American Express due to unacceptably high processing fees
Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor has announced his retirement from the sport, posting the news on Twitter. Hey guys quick announcement, I ve decided to retire from the sport formally known as Mixed Martial Art today, wr [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley canada[/url] ote McGregor, 30, on the social media platform Tuesday. I wish all my old colleagues well going forward in competition. I now join my former partners [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley botella[/url] on this venture, already in retirement. Proper Pina Coladas on me fellas! The controversial Irish fighter, whose nickname is The Notorious, is currently ranked 8th on the Ultimate Fighting Championship UFC pound-for-pound list. He leaves the sport with a 21-4-0 record, and UFC belts in two divisions.McGregor s announcement comes just hours after an interview aired on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in which the fighter claimed he was in negotiations for an upcoming fight.McGregor, told Fallon, My next [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] fight, we re in talks for July. We ll see what happens. A lot of politics going on. The fight game is a mad game but as I said again, to my fans I am in shape and I am ready. UFC supremo Dana White sent a text message to ESPN s Brett Okamoto saying McGregor s had achieved incredible things in UFC. He has the money to retire and his whiskey is killin it, said White, referring to McGregor s new business venture after the fighter linked upwith Eire Born Spirits to launch a whiskey brand, Prop
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Rnea Tampa Bay Area students share the toll unfounded school threats take on them and their education
THORNTON, Colo. 鈥?Firefighters from the North Metro Fire Rescue District and Thornton Fire Department rescued two dogs who fell through the ice at Nott Lake in Thornton, Colorado, Tuesday afternoon. The owner tried to rescue the dogs, but fell through the ice in the process, North Metro Fire Rescue said in a tweet. He was able to get out on his own. T [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] his afternoon, North Metro firefighters and Thornton firefighters rescued two dogs from Nott Lake in Thornton. The owner attempted a rescue but fell through the ice. Luckily he was able to get out on his own. Both dogs were re [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley cup[/url] scued by firefighters and are home and doing well. pic.twitter/FMbJ3wIOaVmdash; North Metro Fire @NMFirePIO March 1, 2023 Firefighters rescued both dogs, who are now home and doing well, according to North Me [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley mug[/url] tro Fire Rescue. This article was written by Scripps News Denver. Aoin Pentagon halts plans to build extra 20 miles of border wall, citing insufficient funds
If you re feeling stressed during this pandemic, floatation therapy could be the adult time out you need to feel better in just one hour. We provide everything that you need. You just come in, leave your stress here. I ll hold onto it for you, said Mark Anderson, who owns St. Pete Salt Works Float Center in St. Petersburg.Anderson says floatation therapy can help those with anxiety and stress, especially during this pandemic. Floatation therapy is all about creating an environment where you can remove the outside stimulation for an hour, [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley bottles[/url] he said.Floatation therapy involves 200 gallons of water in a tub, filled with 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt, and that density holds you in perfect alignment under zero-gravity conditions. The water is at 93.5 degrees, that s the same temperature as your skin. It is a space that s [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley mugs[/url] soundproof and light proof, so if you want to get the full sensory experience, you turn off those lights and say bye-bye world, he explained.According to the Laureate Institute For Brain Research, scientists found floatation therapy helps relieve stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, pain and even PTSD. It s taking your serotonin and your cortisone levels, all of these fight or flight responses, all of these different parts of your brain that are causing you to have that stress cup filled to the top. It s taking that and leveling it down so you re able to process your environment better, Anderson [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley borraccia[/url] said.Anderson admits it even helped him with his own stress an
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