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Merge servers x1, x3, x5

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Dear players, we are pleased to inform you of good news. All game worlds will be reunited into one x1 Ramona on April 25 at 12:00 (UTC +3).

It is important to know:

In case of a duplicate nickname, all players will be assigned the prefix x1_Vashnik.
All players will be able to change their name for 1 Coin of luck, without special characters. (Game command .newname)
Systems that will require resetting: Heroism, Clan Halls, Castles.
All players need to pick up packages from the mail, otherwise they may not be transferred to the new server.

Information about restrictions will be available a little later.

I campaign in the choice of Classic client.
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Агитирую в выборе Classic клиента.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Servers: x1, x3, x5 will be disabled on April 25 at 11:30 (UTC +3)
The transfer will take place within a few hours after the game worlds are turned off.

All dubs in the game will receive the FL prefix - this applies to game accounts, characters, clans, and alliances.
After the merger, all items that simplify the gameplay transferred from the x3-x5 servers will be deleted (Runes, auto loot).

All servers will be combined into Ramona x1.

I campaign in the choice of Classic client.
Do you want to improve your karma a little? Use .vote in game chat.

Агитирую в выборе Classic клиента.
Хочешь немного улучшить свою карму? Используй .vote в игровом чате.

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The servers have been successfully merged, if you had a match with the accounts, add a prefix at the end of your account: _1 _2 _3 _a1 _a2 _a3 and so on.
For example: account_1 or account_a1.

If you have any problems, please contact technical support on the forum.
Set window limit 1+2

I campaign in the choice of Classic client.
Do you want to improve your karma a little? Use .vote in game chat.

Агитирую в выборе Classic клиента.
Хочешь немного улучшить свою карму? Используй .vote в игровом чате.

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Dear players, Our servers have been successfully merged into Ramona x1!

Pay attention to your new game account if you cannot log into it:

If you had characters on other servers, your account will receive the following prefixes: _1, _2, _3, _a1, _a2, _a3 and so on.
Let's consider an example: You had 1 account named user on server x1, characters were created on the same account on server x3 and x5, thus your account will receive the prefix user_1 or user_2, it may also happen that your account will receive the prefix user_a1 and user_a2. If only 1 character was created on your account, then your prefix will not be assigned.

All duplicate characters receive the prefix FL and FLA at the end of their nickname. You can change your nickname for free 1 time with the command: .rename new nickname - for example, .rename NewName

Don't forget to delete your old account and passwords from the client (Saved).

If you have any questions, please contact technical support.

I campaign in the choice of Classic client.
Do you want to improve your karma a little? Use .vote in game chat.

Агитирую в выборе Classic клиента.
Хочешь немного улучшить свою карму? Используй .vote в игровом чате.

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