NathanMoics Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 большой гофр A (t 8,0…9,5–h 4,0…4,9) Слой обладает высокой упругостью Материал применяется для изготовления вставок и вкладышей, упаковки для хрупкой продукции; точный гофр B (t 5,5…6,5–h 2,2…3,0) Материал жесткий, с низкой амортизацией Универсальный флютинг; средний гофр C (t 6,8…7,9–h 3,1…3,9) Основные качества флютинга — стойкость к механическим воздействиям, упругость Это универсальный вариант, применяется для производства практически любых упаковок; точный гофр D (t 3,8…4,8–h 1,9…2,1) Удешевленный аналог материала B микрогофр E (t 3,0…3,5–h 1,0…1,8) Слой прочный, устойчивый к динамическим и статическим нагрузкам Предназначается для создания гофроупаковки товаров средних и малых габаритов, легко бьющейся и хрупкой продукции и т д уникальность; дополнительное рекламирование компании ; обеспечивает сохранность товара от мусора и пыли Можно заметить, что кошки в коробках спят дольше и крепче Дело в удобствеполитика-конфиденциальности/ Просто картон принимает форму по телу кошки, даже если коробка мала [DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html [PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text [PREVIEW_PICTURE] => Array ( [ID] => 5716 [TIMESTAMP_X] => 16 08 2023 12:33:02 [MODULE_ID] => iblock [HEIGHT] => 152 [WIDTH] => 336 [FILE_SIZE] => 49987 [CONTENT_TYPE] => image/jpeg [SUBDIR] => iblock/cfb [FILE_NAME] => cfbdfdfecabdd3266614173c7bceae0a jpg [ORIGINAL_NAME] => кошки и картонполитика-конфиденциальности/ jpg [DESCRIPTION] => [HANDLER_ID] => [EXTERNAL_ID] => 27535e7f4d6581f4807212cd6ea90843 [VERSION_ORIGINAL_ID] => [META] => [SRC] => /upload/resize_cache/webp/iblock/cfb/cfbdfdfecabdd3266614173c7bceae0a webp [UNSAFE_SRC] => /upload/resize_cache/webp/iblock/cfb/cfbdfdfecabdd3266614173c7bceae0a webp [SAFE_SRC] => /upload/resize_cache/webp/iblock/cfb/cfbdfdfecabdd3266614173c7bceae0a webp [ALT] => Почему кошки любят картон [TITLE] => Почему кошки любят картон ) [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => 5716 [LANG_DIR] => / [~LANG_DIR] => / [CODE] => pochemu-koshki-lyubyat-karton [~CODE] => pochemu-koshki-lyubyat-karton [EXTERNAL_ID] => 1559 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 1559 [IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => nt_magnet_content [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => nt_magnet_content [IBLOCK_CODE] => nt_magnet_articles_s1 [~IBLOCK_CODE] => nt_magnet_articles_s1 [IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => nt_magnet_articles_s1 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => nt_magnet_articles_s1 [LID] => s1 [~LID] => s1 [EDIT_LINK] => [DELETE_LINK] => [DISPLAY_ACTIVE_FROM] => 07 12политика-конфиденциальности/ 2021 [FIELDS] => Array ( [PREVIEW_TEXT] => Владельцы кошек часто не могут понять, почему питомец не хочет спать в дорогом домике или играться в подвесных лабиринтах Но при этом с удовольствием выбирает простую картонную коробкуполитика-конфиденциальности/ Не нужно волноваться за такое поведение кошки, есть несколько причин этого ) [PROPERTIES] => Array ( [REGION] => Array ( [ID] => 51 [IBLOCK_ID] => 6 [NAME] => Регион [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => REGION [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => 70 [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 1 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Регион [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1150 [2] => 1405 ) [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 45298 [1] => 45299 [2] => 45300 ) [DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => ) [~VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1150 [2] => 1405 ) [~DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => ) ) [PRODUCTS] => Array ( [ID] => 52 [IBLOCK_ID] => 6 [NAME] => Товары [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PRODUCTS [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => 71 [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 3 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Другие статьи [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => ARTICLES [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => E [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 6 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Другие статьи [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 956 [1] => 1148 ) [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 98750 [1] => 98751 ) [DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [~VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 956 [1] => 1148 ) [~DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) ) [PRODUCTS_SECTION] => Array ( [ID] => 365 [IBLOCK_ID] => 6 [NAME] => Товары из раздела [ACTIVE] => Y [SORT] => 500 [CODE] => PRODUCTS_SECTION [DEFAULT_VALUE] => [PROPERTY_TYPE] => G [ROW_COUNT] => 1 [COL_COUNT] => 30 [LIST_TYPE] => L [MULTIPLE] => Y [XML_ID] => [FILE_TYPE] => [MULTIPLE_CNT] => 5 [LINK_IBLOCK_ID] => 3 [WITH_DESCRIPTION] => N [SEARCHABLE] => N [FILTRABLE] => N [IS_REQUIRED] => N [VERSION] => 1 [USER_TYPE] => [USER_TYPE_SETTINGS] => [HINT] => [~NAME] => Товары из раздела [~DEFAULT_VALUE] => [VALUE_ENUM] => [VALUE_XML_ID] => [VALUE_SORT] => [VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 131 ) [PROPERTY_VALUE_ID] => Array ( [0] => 116790 ) [DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) [~VALUE] => Array ( [0] => 131 ) [~DESCRIPTION] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [] => ) [DISPLAY_PROPERTIES] => Array ( ) [IPROPERTY_VALUES] => Array ( [ELEMENT_META_TITLE] => Почему кошки любят картон | Компания PACK MARKET [ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION] => Почему кошки любят картон – полезные статьи и материалы от компании PACK MARKET Будьте в курсе последних событий! [SECTION_META_TITLE] => Почему кошки любят картон - cтатьи компании PACK MARKET [SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION] => Почему кошки любят картон Полезная информация от компании PACK MARKET Широкий ассортимент картонных и бумажных упаковок, подарочной и упаковочной бумаги по выгодным ценам в Москве ) ) ) На сайте предоставлен большой выбор подарочного наполнителяполитика-конфиденциальности/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManuelTheli Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Второй важной составляющей термопанели, является клинкерная плитка Она применяется в качестве фасада здания Ее особенность заключается в длительном сроке эксплуатации Пройдя 3 стадии термообработки, она сохраняет свои первоначальные свойства в течение 50 лет Ей не страшны сильные морозы и прямое попадание солнечных лучей, которые способствуют изменению цвета Также на ней не образуется плесень и грибок В ассортименте насчитывается более 100 цветовых гамм и разных рисунков, в виде камня или кладочного кирпича Преимущества монтажа фасадных термопанелей: Каталог продукции Комби – установка клинкерной плитки или искусственного камня производится после монтажа термопанелей на фасад, что позволяет при монтаже избежать отходов по плитке, которые возникают при подрезке и подгонке термопанелей Также, не требуется отдельный сборный угловой элемент, что позволяет сэкономить бюджет от 15% Мы предлагаем комплекты фасадных термопанелей следующих типов: В настоящее время термопанели широко востребованы для оформления фасадов Эти изделия представляют собой двухслойный материал, включающий декоративный и утеплительный слои Чаще всего внешний слой изготовлен из клинкерной плитки или акриловых полимеров В нашем интернет-магазине в Москве представлены клинкерные фасадные панели от ведущих производителей Термопанель надежно защищает стены от любых воздействий и сохраняет тепло Укладка допускается при любых погодных условиях Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobertReame Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 CG-продакшн Mew Studio занимается созданием компьютерной графики и моушн-анимации для рекламных и имиджевых роликов, сайтов и социальных сетей, презентаций и мероприятий Имиджевый ролик Телефон: +7 (495) 783-44-46 Если перед вами стоит задача удивить масштабом, и вы готовы выделить на это соответствующий бюджет – смело обращайтесь в эту студию! Здесь вам помогут создать проект, за который не берутся другие Студия, созданная Тимуром Бекмамбетовым, осуществляет полный цикл производства, сотрудничая с крупнейшими рекламными агентствами, телеканалами, радиостанциями и кинокомпаниями наш менеджер просчитает детали и свяжется с вами в ближайшее время Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Nmwp Native American creative expresses his existence through art after generations of oppression Whether you re attending a sporting event, like a baseball game, or a concert, there are countless ways to find tickets online. But with all those options, you must be especially careful to avoid a ticketing scam.Karen Meyer plans to take her family to a baseball game this summer. But she knows too many people who bought tickets from a reseller that didn t scan at the gate. I m afraid to buy from people on the street, he said, because I m not sure with the price they re asking that I m going to get a ticket that s valid in the stadium. Matthew Terry also worries about gettin [url=]stanley puodelis[/url] g burned, so he only buys from official sites. I just go onto the website, figure how many people are in my group, and then schedule online, he said.How to protect yourselfWhether you re catching a game or a summer concert, Melanie McGovern with the Better Business Bureaureminds us that most venues only accept digital tickets nowadays.So if a seller is offering a paper ticket, it may not be real or accepted at the entrance. If they say, Hey, I ll just shoot you an email, and it s a PDF ticket, she warns, a lot of times that is not the way it works anymore. And be wary of screen grabs taken on someone s phone.Tickets through sites like Ticketmaster will only appear when your phone is near the ticket read [url=]stanley cups[/url] er at many venues. So screenshots, which might have worked five years ago, are a no-go.McGovern also says to check the seating char [url=]water bottle stanley[/url] t before buying from a resale site. We ve seen fake tickets that didn Zlfh Look up! Mars to make rare close-Earth approach on Tuesday RICHMOND, Va. -- An Army veteran is making his way up the East Coast as part of an 1,800-mile walk to honor his friends who died in combat, and raise awareness about the alarming veteran suicide rate.Greg Washington, 39, wants soldiers and people across the country to know their life matters. According to a report published by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, an average of 22 veterans die by suicide each day. We are taught to be tough, and so were tough, were tough, were tough until we cant handle it anymore, and we find ourselves at that breaking point and dont have a plan to be able to help save ourselves, Washington explained. The former infantry officer and West Point graduate started his walk in Mount Bayou, Mississippi. While his journey on foot started three months ago, his internal battle has been going on for years. There were days where I couldnt tell if I was awake or dreaming because I was constantly living in pain, said Washington. Washington served two to [url=]stanley thermobecher[/url] urs overseas. His first was from 2008 to 2009 in Afghanistan, and he traveled to Iraq in 2009 where he served until 2010. It was there his life changed. Two of my best friends, Emily Perez and Scottie Pace, they were both killed in action, he explained. Washington met Perez and Pace at West Point. Perez was the highest-ranking African-American female Cadet in West Points history. Pace was a combat pilot and the Academy named a ceremony after him [url=]stanley thermobecher[/url] follow [url=]stanley cups uk[/url] ing his death.Because he survived, Wa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davidbup Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Пытаетесь отыскать уникальные предметы онлайн? Marketplace megaweb4 at готов вам в этом помочь! Благодаря огромному количеству категорий и труднодоступных товаров mega ссылка onion com - лучшее место для онлайн-покупок. Воспользуйтесь возможностью регистрации без учета электронной почты и двухфакторной аутентификацией Google TFA. Ощутите удобство оплаты через карту или Bitcoin. Откройте для себя непревзойденное удобство мега дарк нет Marketplace уже сегодня. mega at: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Aggp Additional remains found, raising Lahaina wildfire death toll to 99 Without knowing anything about Irina Bird, if you list all the sporting activities she has tried 鈥?surfing, snowboarding, swimming, horseback riding, tennis, biking, kayaking 鈥?you might think, this is a person up for trying anything.But, when you find out this 27-year-old is [url=]stanley us[/url] doing all these activities standing at three feet nine inches tall and with one arm, you get a better idea of how fearless she really is.Bird was born in Russia with a rare condition called Phocomelia syndrome. I also have a leg condition calle [url=]stanley termohrnek[/url] d PFFD. So, for me, it means I m missing almost all my bones in my legs except for my tibia bone. So, I don t have a femur, patella, or fibula. I have a few missing toes, and I have web fingers, web toes. And I have a fused right elbow. So I kind of stand out in the crowd when people see me, no doubt about that. She was put in an orphanag [url=]stanley cup[/url] e and at age four, she was adopted into a family and soon had ten siblings. With a large family, she learned how to hold her own. Even with the chores, I couldn t even push the vacuum because it weighed more than me, but my parents got me a smaller vacuum and then you learn to adapt from there. I m always willing to try things. A recent surgery led her to seek help from the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. I had a bone overgrowth in my nub, and we had to get surgery on that and it started having nerve pain because of that surgery. The prosthetics team at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital created her new prosthetic arm. A Gopd Burger chain s new sauce machine has 200 concoctions A Fort Pierce couple with a New York license plate said they were discriminated against while trying to find toilet paper last week. Sandra and Marshall Aykroyd spend half the year in New York and half the year at their home in Fort Pierce. They ve been in Florida since January, but last week they were shocked when a woman approached their car while sitting in traffic. As we were sitting there, I could see out of the corner of my eye a woman get out of her car, said Sandra Aykroyd during a Zoom interview. She took this paper and threw it in, and it said, Get out of here, we don t want your virus, go back to New York. You re not welcomed. The Aykroyds said they were shocked and described the woman to be elderly. Sandra said she got [url=]stanley cups uk[/url] out of the car and confronted her. I said, We live here. We have a residence here, so I said, We ve been down here since the beginning of January, and she said, Well, we don t want you [url=]stanley nz[/url] here, and I said, How dare you added Sandra Aykroyd.She said she took down the license plate number and filed a report with the Fort Pierce Police Department. The couple said they were shaking. Marshall Aykroyd said he thought she was asking for help, and instead were met with hatred. I think that what s going on can bring out the best and worst in people, said Marshall Aykroyd. Case [url=]stanley mug[/url] in Palm Beach CountyFarther south in Lake Worth, a Chinese-American dentist has faced similar discriminatory reactions. Dr. Colleen Lam said she first took certain reac Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Frst Gaming industry investing millions for further Florida expansion The House committee investigating the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, voted unanimously to subpoena former President Donald Trump.Rep. Liz Cheney said the committee was compelled to request documents and testimony from Trump after more than 30 witn [url=]stanley canada[/url] esses invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when asked about their conversations with the former president. Our duty today is to our country, to our children and to our constitution, Cheney said. Thursday s public hearing was the first in nearly three months.Cheney targeted Trump for fueling conspiracy theories ahead of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. There is no defense that Donald Trump was duped or irrational, she said. Rep. Zoe Lofgren called Trump s effort to delegitimize the 2020 presidential election premeditated. President Trump s effort to convince Americans [url=]stanley mugs[/url] that he had won the 2020 election began before the election results even came in, she said. It was intentional. The hearing also featured a video clip of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for the Capitol to be se [url=]stanley deutschland[/url] cured after it was breached on Jan. 6, 2021. She was seen on video speaking with the governor of Virginia, asking for the National Guard to be deployed. The committee is expected to finish its work before the midterm election next month. Several key committee members, including Vice Chair Liz Cheney, will no longer be in Congress at the start of 2023. Qhxb St. Pete Youth Farm gets game-changing greenhouse to help fight food insecurity In the wake of th [url=]stanley cup[/url] e killing of George Floyd, calls to defund the police have spurred debate and become a national lightning rod issue in the upcoming presidential election. Defunding the police is a shift in the way we do public safety, said Donna Davis, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Tampa.Davis said its not a call for chaos in the streets, but involves reassigning some services that have been pushed to law [url=]stanley botella[/url] enforcement over time 鈥?everything from animal control and drug overdoses to suicidal calls. We have communities that have deliberately been barred access to good education, living wage. Those communities are under resourced, said Davis. When we defund police, we shift money and personnel from the punitive end of the spectrum and into social services. We shift it into mental healthcare. Critics of the current policing system say law enforcement has become too militarized.Police forces bulking up with military equipmentABC Action News Anchor Paul LaGrone followed the money and found most Tampa Bay law enf [url=]stanley cup[/url] orcement agencies have taken in millions in surplus military equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense through a federal system called the 1033 program. Police departments all over the country have used the system to acquire everything from rifles to night vision goggles to helicopters.According to the Department of Defenses own database, Pasco and Polk counties took in the highest dollar amount in the Tampa Bay area 鈥?over $2 million worth of military equipment si Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Jwat Hope for El Faro survivors fades; search for answers begins The candidate who fini [url=]stanley cup[/url] shed first in the Republican nomination primary race for a North Carolina congressional seat says she s suspending her campaign, citing her rival s endorsement by former President Donald Trump in the runoff election.Though Johnston County attorney Kelly Daughtry had the most votes among 14 candidates in the March 5 GOP primary for North Carolina 13th Congressional District, she did not reach the 30% threshold needed to win the primary outright. She and Brad Knott, who finished second and is a former federal prosecutor, had advanced to the scheduled May 14 runoff.Daughtry said in a social media post that because of Trump has formally backed Knott, it has become clear that a pathway to victory is no longer feasible. I believe in th [url=]stanley cup[/url] e democratic process and respect the endorsement of our President, Daughtry added.Knott also picked up the endorsement of third-place primary finisher Fred Von Canon. The [url=]stanley cup[/url] time has now come to suspend my campaign, Daughtry added. Brad has my full endorsement, and I want him to know that I am here to support him, not to oppose him. Kelly Daughtry Kelly Daughtry s campaign Facebook page However, it s too late to remove Daughtry s name from the ballot. Early in-person voting for the runoff continues through May 11, and absentee balloting has been taking place for weeks. Kno Rwrl As inflation jumps, online prices rise at record pace YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, California - The stark beauty of El Capitan always seizes the gaze of sightseers in Yosemite Valley. But it s two small dots on the granite wall that are the focus of attention now.Climbers Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell are within reach of the summit, near the end of a climb long thought impossible. They have been inching their way up a 3,000 foot wall, without any climbing tools. Climbing the world s hardest rock climb 19 photos They re basically on the side of three Empire State Buildings, holding onto things that are as big as a fingernail, said photographer Tom Evans, who has been following the climbers as they make their way up the Dawn Wall, the toughest s [url=]yeezy[/url] lope of El Capitan. Everybody thought t [url=]adidas originals[/url] hey were nuts, Evans added. It s the biggest part of the wall. It s the sheerest part of the wall. It s the longest part of the wall. I figured their hands would be torn to shreds after a week. Jorgeson and Caldwell a [url=]reebok[/url] re clinging to the wall with only their fingers and toes, using no equipment other than safety ropes to stop a fall. The climbing world is following it all on social media. Jorgeson got past one of the most difficult stretches after falling 11 times in seven da Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davidbup Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Ищете разнообразный выбор товаров? Мега поможет вам! Благодаря множеству категорий и редким находкам официальная ссылка мега предлагает опции для каждого. Оцените удобство регистрации без электронной почты и обеспечьте себе первоклассную безопасность с помощью Google TFA. Присоединяйтесь к рабочая ссылка на мегу прямо сейчас и отправляйтесь в шопинговое приключение, о котором мечтали. ссылка на мегу через тор: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Mgvt States try to lure tourists with catchy slogans Washington mdash; Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who became known for his representation of adult film actress Stormy Daniels and battle with former President Donald Trump, alleges in a new filing with the Federal Bureau of Prisons BO [url=]stanley cup[/url] P that he was mistreated while in federal custody in retaliation for his criticisms of Trump and former Attorney General William Barr.Avenatti is seeking $94 million from [url=]stanley cup[/url] the United States, or $1 million for each day he says he was held in solitary confinement or lockdown, according to a copy of the filing obtained by CBS News. He alleges under the Federal Tort Claims Act FTCA that the federal government is liable for intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment and false arrest, among other acts, while he was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center MCC in Manhattan in 2 [url=]stanley cup[/url] 020.The claim, known as a Standard Form 95, is the first step toward a potential lawsuit against the government. If a settlement cannot be reached or the agency denies the claim within six months, Avenatti could then file a lawsuit under the FTCA against the U.S. in federal court. Zachary Margulis-Ohnuma, a lawyer with ZMO Law who is representing Avenatti, said the filing was sent to the BOP on Wednesday. Avenatti is alleging in part that prison officials limited his contact with other inmates, friends and family, subjected him to harsh conditions in the wing where he w Azdq LA sheriff challenges LeBron James to match reward money for gunman who ambushed 2 deputies WASHINGTON -- For President Obama, the decision to return early from an overseas trip after a series of shocking shootings will prove to be easy compared to his next challenge: comforting an America that has witnessed a rash of shootings.After arriving from Spain late Sunday, Mr. Obama will fly Tuesday to Dallas, the scene of the massacre of police officers that, on the heels of two caught-on-video police shootings, has emerged as a tipping point in the national debate about race and justice.Mr. Obama is due to deliver remarks at an interfaith memorial service and is expected to meet with victims families and with local law enforcement officials mourning their own. Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, will also attend, and the ex-president will deliver brief remarks. Vice President Joe Biden will also be there.To some degree, the trip is a familiar ritual for a president, Mr. Obama, who has embarked in recent years on similar consolation missions with relentless frequency. But it s clear that he views the moment as distinct. In choosing to the deliver a speech, in addition to a private visit with families, Mr. Obama has tasked himself with minist [url=]salomon[/url] ering to Americans as they make sense of a frustrating cloud of issues swirling [url=]air force 1[/url] around the shootings. The president sees deliv [url=]ugg[/url] ering this sort of guidance a core part of his leadership, so much so that some of his memorable speeches were in honor of mass shooting victims, i Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Bzrx Motorcyclist killed trying to pass vehicle in Pasco County RICHMOND, Va. AP 鈥?A U.S. judge s ruling striking down a federal law that bans licensed federal firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults under 21 is the lates [url=]stanley cups uk[/url] t example of how a landmark Supreme Court decision is transforming the legal landscape around firearms.The ruling issued Wednesday by a federal judge in Virginia is just the beginning of what s likely to be a lengthy court battle over rules aimed at making it harder for 18- to 20-year-olds to get handguns.The judge s ruling won t go into effect until he issues a final order that would bar the government from enforcing the age limit. The Justice Department didn t immediately comment on the ruling but is likely to appeal and could ask for the final order to be put on hold while it does.The judge cited the Supreme Court s June decision in a case called Bruen, which changed the test that courts had long used to evaluate gun laws. The ruling has opened the door to a wave of challenges from gun-rights activists and created turmoil in the courts as judges wrestle over what gun restrictions can remain on the books.Here s a look at the Virginia s judge s ruli [url=]stanley cup[/url] ng, the impact of the Supreme Court s Bruen decision and what s next:WHAT DID THE SUPREME COURT S BRUEN DECISION DO In its Bruen decision, the Supreme Court struck down a New York gun law and ruled that Americans hav [url=]stanley cup[/url] e a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense. The majority opinion authored by Justice Clarence Thomas also set new standards for courts Hblw How college is helping keep the American dream alive TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?New evidence has been sent to the outgoing Trump administration for their consideration when deciding whether to gra [url=]stanley flask[/url] nt a pardon to Joe Exotic, made famous last year by a Netflix documentary.The I-Team has learned from people close to the now-imprisoned reality TV star that his legal team has obtaine [url=]stanley water bottle[/url] d audiotapes they hope will free the Tiger King.If you are a Netflix subscriber, you probably watched Tiger King during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. NETFLIX Its the salacious story of how an Oklahoma zookeeper went to war against Big Cat Rescue founder Carole Baskin, who lives here in Tampa.Joe, whose real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage, ended up in prison after being convicted of hiring a hit man to have Baskin killed. Maldonado had made his threats online over a period of years, Baskin told ABC Action News shortly after his arrest. There are a lot of crazy characters. A lot of twists and turns. And just when you think you cant get any more strange it does, said retired U.S. Secret Service Agent Jim Rathmann.He teamed up with television producer Theresa McKeown to investigate Joes case for the documentary Joe Exotic: Tigers, Lies and Cover-Up which is streaming now on discoveryplus Theres so much more information thats going to come out over time. Theres so much, its overwhelming, said McKeown. When I saw that article last night that Trump has 100 people hes gon [url=]stanley termosy[/url] na pardon, Im thinking Joes probably one of them. Or so I hop Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brenthok Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Вам надоело довольствоваться посредственными покупками в Интернете? Мега предлагает что-то уникальное! Благодаря новаторским возможностям и разнообразному ассортименту товаров megaweb4 at гарантирует, что вы найдете именно то, что ищете. Наслаждайтесь беспроблемной регистрацией и безопасными платежами с помощью криптовалюты Bitcoin. Присоединяйтесь к mg2 at прямо сейчас и сделайте свой шопинг еще более увлекательным. [url=]ссылки на мега дарк[/url] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Kdcd Army turns to video gamers for new recruits Eight students are asking the Supreme Court to block a plan by Indiana University to require students [url=]stanley cup[/url] and employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. It s the first time the high court has been asked to weigh in on a vaccine mandate and comes as some corporations, states and cities are also contemplating or have adopted vaccine requirements for workers or even to dine indoors.This is not the first time a coronavirus-related issue has been before the court, however. In rulings over the [url=]stanley cup[/url] past year, the conservative-dominated high court has largely backed religious groups who have challenged restrictions on indoor services during the pandemic.In the current case, a three-judge federal appeals court panel, including two judges appointed by former President Trump, was one of two lower courts to side with Indiana University and allow it to require the vaccinations. The plan announced in May requires roughly 90,000 students and 40,000 employees on seven campuses to receive COVID-19 vaccinations for the fall semester. Students who do not comply will have their registration canceled and workers who don t will lose their jobs. The policy allows religious and medical exemptions, but exempt students must be tested twice a week for the disease. The school announced this week that for now, everyone, regardless of vaccination status, must wea [url=]stanley cup[/url] r a mask indoors while on campus.The students challenging the mandate argue incourt papers filed Fridaythat they Ujwv Paris attacks rock band leader: Everybody should be armed There i [url=]jordan[/url] s fear and anger in a Vermont town Friday night. A teenager who was arrested the day after the Parkland school massacre for allegedly planning an even bigger attack walked out of jail Friday.As soon as Jack Sawyer was released from jail, arrested after detailing the rampage he planned at his former school, Vermont s Fair Haven Union High, 30 of the school s 300 kids took off for home in fear. Social studies teacher Julia Adams says it s a nightmare in Fair Haven. We have teachers that are struggling to make it through the a whole day teaching, Adams said. We have kids that are having panic attacks in classes. We have kids whose parents are holding them at home. Jack Sawyer WCAX In his journal, Sawyer listed specific students and staff he wanted to kill in his journal. His bail was reduced when the state Supreme Court ruled planning in Vermont doesn t mean attempting, and felony charges were dropped. Sawyer has to report for a psychological ex [url=]nike dunk[/url] am within 72 hours, but Friday night, he is free. [url=]stanley cup[/url] The effect that this had overall has been enormous, Adams said. It s affected every particle of life in Fair Haven High School. So now it s up to police chief Bill Humphries and his four-man police department to protect this community and its schoolchildren. For the rest of their lives they have to go through the woods Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Mtjc Christmas around the world A new phishing scam is targeting unemployed New Yorkers, stealing their driver s licenses, Social Security numbers and other personal information in order to resell iton the dark web. Here s how it works: Victims are lured with authentic-looking text and email messages that link to a carbon copy of the New York State unemployment website. After a victim enters their username and password, the fake site asks for high-quality images of sensitive documents. That gives the cybercriminals access to the person s name, address, phone number, date of birth, driver s license number, Social Security number and email address. The phishing attack was active for several weeks, according to Steve Ragan, the security researcher at Akamai Technologies who discovered the [url=]stanley cup[/url] scam. The scammers were able to remain anonymous by hiding the fake website behind a proxy server, an intermediary domain that cloaks the originating IP address. The documents are widely available on dark [url=]stanley cup[/url] web markets, Ragan said, noting that he found Social Security cards related to the scam selling for about $1.50 each and driver s licenses netting about $100 apiece. One dark web seller discovered by Ragan used a New Yorker s personal information to create a fake driver s licence scan. The total cost of the ID package was listed for $130. Another dark web criminal listed personal information for $5 per record and offered [url=]stanley cup[/url] identification cards that the seller claimed cleared Ne Htmq U.S. businessman Jason Spindler among those killed in Kenya terror attack SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, Calif. -- Two moderate earthquakes have struck central California, one of which was widely felt across the region.The U.S. Geological Survey reported a magnitude-3.6 earthquake struck at 10:21 p.m. Wedne [url=]jordan[/url] sday and a magnitude-4.2 temblor struck five minutes later. At least one smaller quake followed lat [url=]jordan[/url] er.The epicenter was about 2 miles south of San Juan Bautista and 11 miles northeast of Salinas. Nearly 1,500 people reported on the USGS website that they felt the first quake and more than 30 reported the second.There were no reports of damage. CBS San Francisco reports that deeper quakes are less noticeable while a shallow quake-in the 0 to 40 mile depth range-can feel much stronger than their actual reported magnitude. Quakes just below the earth s sur [url=]salomon[/url] face, in the 0 to 10 miles range, can cause even more damage at lower magnitudes.Strong earthquakes with an epicenter off the coast can trigger tsunamis, depending on the size and type of the fault movement. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center tracks earthquake data for the West Coast. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-fca9aa80-4d40-4ce5-87f8-6779a87d8daf, right-rail-recirc-item--id-fca9aa80-4d40-4ce5-87f8-6779a87d8daf display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-fca9aa80-4d40-4ce5-87f8-6779a87d8daf ~ .item:nth- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 21, 2024 Share Posted November 21, 2024 Zgmc Fight over more than a dozen trees cut down on property along Bayshore Blvd. Sarasota County Schools started classes on August 12.ABC Action News anchor Nadeen Yanes sat down with Superintendent Terry Connor following the first day of school.The discussion focused on his three main goals for the 2024-2025 school ye [url=]stanley cup spain[/url] ar: academic achievement with a focus on literacy, safe schools, and enhancing options for students.Superintendent Connor also spoke about the biggest challenge facing the district.Connor told ABC Ac [url=]stanley cups[/url] tion News that following Hurricane Debby and major flooding in the county, 15 staff membe [url=]stanley uk[/url] rs and up to 50 families were impacted by the storm.Click here to learn more about the Sarasota County Schools Referendum on the ballot in November.Watch a portion of the interview above. Xbrz Sarasota launches survey asking where the city should move Unconditional Surrender statue More bacon-heavy options are being added to menus at fast-food chain restaurants such as McDonald s and Wendy s at a time when pork prices are the lowe [url=]stanley cup[/url] st they have been in decades.Wendy s patrons may buy the Baconator Fries, which has cheese and bacon on French fries. Mickey D s is also now s [url=]stanley thermos[/url] elling cheesy bacon fries nationwide, and it has added bacon as a topping choice for Big Macs and Quarter Pounders, according to Business Insider .Neither Wendy s or McDonald s said their bacon offerings are tied to price decreases of pork 鈥攂ut they are appealing to America s love of it. The prices sure help in doing promotions around bacon right now. Bloomberg reports that at the beginning of February, [url=]stanley thermos mug[/url] pork was 65.61 cents per pound and falling. It said the price drop is an effect of President Donald Trump s trade war with China because American meat producers need to clear a short-term supply here 鈥?a supply that isn t getting exported. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Ysvp Standoff between armed man, deputies ends in shootout in Hernando Co. WASHINGTON AP 鈥?House Democrats are voting this week on changes to a 19th century law for certifying presidential elections, their strongest legislative response yet to the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and former President Donald Trump s efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat.The vote to overhaul the Electoral Count Act, expected Wednesday, comes as a bipartisan group of senators is [url=]stanley cup website[/url] moving forward with a similar bill. Lawmakers in both parties have said they want to change the arcane law before it is challenged again.Trump and his allies tried to exploit the law s vague language in the weeks after the election as they strategized how they could keep Joe Biden out of office, including by lobbying Vice President Mike Pence to simply object to the certification of Biden s victory when Congress counted the votes on Jan. 6.Pence refused to do so, but it was clear afterward that there was no real legal framework, or recourse, to respond under the 1887 law if the vice president had tried to block the count. The House and Se [url=]stanley quencher[/url] nate bills would better define the vice president s ministerial role and make clear that he or she has no say in the final outcome.Both versions would also make it harder for lawmakers to object if they don t like the results of an election, clarify laws that could allow a state s vote to be delayed, and ensure that there is only one slate of legal electors from each state. One strategy by Trump and his allies was to create [url=]stanley cup[/url] alternate slates of electors in k Cdpx Emory University in phase 1 of human clinical trials for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says the U.S. shouldn t be expecting talks between the countries anytime soon.Kim Yo-jong said the U.S. would be greatly disappointed if U.S. officials believe they could engage with North Korea over nuclear talks.She issued the statement after U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan called Kim Jong-un s recent sta [url=]stanley thermoskannen[/url] tement that North Korea must be ready for both dialogue and confrontations an interesting signal. What President Biden has communicated is that the United States is prepared to engage in principled negotiations with North Korea to deal with the challenge of North Korea s nuclear program toward the ultimate objective of the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, Sullivan said. We are awaiting a clearer signal from Pyongyang as to whether they are prepared to sit down at the table to begin working in that direction. Monday, the top U.S. envoy for North Korean affairs said the U.S. is willing to meet North Korea anywhere and any [url=]stanley italia[/url] time without preconditions.But he did say the Biden administration will continue to sanction North Korea over its nuclear and missile activity.This story was originally published by Alex Livingston and Ro [url=]stanley mug[/url] bin Dich at Newsy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Lpet Stacey Abrams net worth over $3 million as she launches second bid for Georgia governor Four Smithsonian museums in Washington, D.C. will temporarily be clos [url=]stanley cup[/url] ed as the spread of theOmicron variantofCOVID-19impacts its staff, the institution announced. The city is experiencing what local officials call a winter surge in COVID cases. Like many other organizations, the Smithsonian has been managing the direct and indirect outcomes of the latest surge, the Smithsonian said in a statement. Over the last few days, the Smithsonian has seen an increase in positive covid cases and associated quarantine periods among our essential and operational staff. The National Museum of African Art, the National Postal Museum, the Anacostia Community Museum and the National Museum of Asian Art will be closed beginning Wednesday and are scheduled to reopen January 3. The Smithsonian said it strives to keep as many of our museums open to the public as possible without sacrificing the health and safety of our visitors and staff. The temporary closures, it said, will allow staff to be reallocated in order to help keep [url=]stanley cup[/url] other museums open for the week.At Smithsonian museums that do remain open, visitors aged 2 and older are required to wear face masks while indoors, regardless of their vaccination status, under the museum s COVID protocols. The annou [url=]stanley cup[/url] ncement comes amid an increase in COVID cases in the District of Columbia as the Omicron variant quickly spreads throughout the nation. According to Patrick Ashley, senior deputy director at D Qyhh Old Man Winter sets sights on Midwest, Northeast again Prison time is HARD TIME any way you look at it. But it s hardest of all when the prisoner is serving a sentence that allows no flexibility at all, no matter what the circumstances. Our Cover Story is reported by Erin Moriarty of 48 Hours : We had tried call [url=]adidas samba[/url] ing the cops, said Lee Wollard. We had tried doing everything. Nothing worked. Nothing. After hearing 59-year-old Wollard s story, you may think he did what any family man would do. Or, you may agree with a Florida jury and [url=]air max[/url] think he went too far. But either way, you re likely to wonder: Does Wollard s punishment really fit the crime Never, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here, he said in prison. I still have a hard time believing it. It s unbelievable! Lee Wollard s troubles began six years ago. He was a professional with a master s degree in Davenport, Fla., living with his wife and their two daughters and working at Sea World. When his youngest [url=]adidas originals[/url] daughter Sarah began dating a troubled 17-year-old teenager with no place to live, Wollard and his wife, Sandy, took him in. You know, if someone needs help, we ll help em, he said. Moriarty asked, Did it go OK, initially For about a week, Wollard laughed. Sandy Wollard said, It started out his behavior was fine. I d ask him if he would take the garbage out or clear off the table, and it was, Yes, ma am, Yes, ma am. But Sandy says the relationship with the boy, whom we agreed not to i Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Llxw Virginia musician offers accordion-at-your-door performance If you have more than one child in college, big changes are coming this fall that may impact how much you pay in tuition.The sibling discount currently available under the Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA to families with multiple children will go away due to legislation that simplifies the form that determines financial aid.The new FAFSA form becomes available in October, and it will determine aid eligibility for the 2024-2025 school year.The changes will not impact low-income or upper-income families. Its the middle and upper-middle class who will be hit, said Jacque Discenza, founder and president ofSarphatie Education, which helps families with the college admissions and aid process. It all de [url=]stanley cup[/url] pends on the bottom line of your 1040, which is your gross income [url=]stanley cup[/url] , Discenza explained. Studies h [url=]stanley cups[/url] ave recently found that it could actually double some college costs for each child. A newBrookings Institutionreport shows with the changes, students with siblings in college may be impacted depending on the family s income. For a family with a $150,000 household income, the Brookings chart showed that it would lose $5,000 in aid at public colleges and $12,600 at private colleges.But thats for middle-income families, Discenza said. If your expected family contribution is zero, its still zero, Discenza said, noting there is no impact on lower-income families. Upper-income families do not fill out FAFSA forms as they do not expect financial aid. The overhaul to the financi Uxsn Florida Republican: We should hang treasonous Democrats HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla -- A parent is concerned about his kids bus route. He says it will take nearly two hours for him to get to a school that is 5 miles away from their house.Jim Horning chose to send his 13-year-old son to Walker Middle Magnet school. He says recently they had to move but stayed in the same zip code as the school in hopes he could remain on a direct bus route. That did nothappen. He has to get on the bus at 6:30 a.m. and school does not start until 8:30 a.m., said Horning.The bus picks him up from the bus stop a half mile from his home and then heads south nearly 20 miles or about a 30-minute drive without rush hour traffic to an intersection where his son then transfers to another bus. That bus turns around and takes him right back to the area he came from. I mean, I dont want my child to do that, Horning said.But the Hillsborough County School District says thats what parents and students sign up for when they decide to enroll in [url=]stanley website[/url] a magnet school.They say right now nearly 8,000 students already do this. The bus meets at a central location because students are coming from all over the district. They [url=]stanley cup[/url] say itsthe most cost-efficient use of taxpayers dollars. Families of magnet students are made aware when they apply for the [url=]stanley mug[/url] program. Even though it can be a long bus ride, many families want their children to have the opportunity to attend a school with programs they don t have at their neighborhood school, said Tanya Arja, a school district spokeswoman.Ho Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Jwxw Two major storms may hit Hawaii with one-two punch Vice President Kamala Harris addresses teachers union in Houston Vice President Kamala Harris addresses teachers union in Houston 03:01 Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday painted the upcoming election as a choice between two different visions for the country, one focused on the future and one focused on the past, in remarks delivered to the American Federation of Teachers in Houston, Texas.Harris address to the teacher s union, which has 1.8 million members nationwide, comes as she crisscrosses the country in the wake of launching her presidential campaign, with [url=]stanley cups[/url] stops in Indianapolis and Milwaukee earlier this week. Her remarks to the AFT comes as she seeks to energize core constituencies following President Biden s decision to drop out of the race for president.Mr. Biden swiftly endorsed Harris after dropping out of the race, and she has racked up support from major Democratic figures and the party s congressional leaders, as well as more than 40 [url=]stanley cup[/url] state delegations that will cast their vo [url=]stanley cup[/url] tes for the Democratic presidential nominee early next month. Today we face a choice between two very different visions for our nations, one focused on the future and the other focused on the past, Harris said. And we are focused on the futur Alan President Trump responds to Home Alone 2 scene being cut from Canadian TV As South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg faced angry citizens during a contentious town hall meeting, he acknowledged we re not only here because of what happened Sunday. Buttigieg was referring to the June 16 police shooting that has rocked the city and left 53-year-old resident Eric Logan dead. There is a lot beneath the surface when it comes to trust and legitimacy around policing [url=]af1[/url] and race in our city, said Buttigieg, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.Logan, an African American man, was shot by South Bend Police Sgt. Ryan O Neill, a white police officer, drew outrage from community members at the Sunday meeting who called for transparency and accountability. According to the St. Joseph County Prosecutor s Office, Logan was holding a knife as he approached an officer responding to a report of someone breaking into cars in an apartment building parking lot. The prosecutor s office said Monday it has requ [url=]adidas og[/url] ested a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate the case, a decision Buttigieg applauded. Our community is in anguish and for all of us to come to terms with what happened, it is vital that the investigation be fair, thorough and impartial, Buttigieg said in a statement.But the shooting has also highlighted long-standing tensions between the police department and the city s African American community. During Buttigieg s term as mayor, the department has been at the center of a series of r [url=]adidas samba[/url] acially-charged policing con Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Wexq Video shows Oakland cop detaining off-duty firefighter, two sons Video captured a scary moment between a dolphin and a trainer at the Miami Seaquarium over the weekend, CBS Miami reports.It happened Saturday in front of a crowd during a performance of the Flipper Dolphin Show. A cell phone video shows the trainer struggling to stay afloat as the dolphin, Sundance, dragged her underwater and then pushed her forward. The Seaquarium completed its investigation, which found the trainer accidentally scratched Sundance with her hand. [url=]stanley cup[/url] According to the Seaquarium, it was likely painful for the dolphin and it broke away and then swam back toward the trainer. A dolphin and trainer accidentally collided in the water on Saturday while performing a routine behavior as part of the Flipper Show. This was an uncomfortable interaction for both of them and the dolphin reacted by breaking away from the routine and striking the trainer, according to a statement from the Miami [url=]stanley cup[/url] Seaquarium. The trainer, who didn t suffer [url=]stanley cup[/url] any serious injuries, was able to make it out of the water. Our family extends to include the animals in our care, our team members and our guests. While there is no apparent serious injury, a careful watch and follow-up evaluations will ensure the best care for all, according to the statement.The dolphin was not injured.PETA, which has tried for years to have the Seaquarium set Lolita the orca free, decried the incident. Time is up for the Miami Seaquarium, where long-sufferin Pikj Apprehensions of migrant families rise dramatically along southern border Media companies are desperate to regain the ad revenue they re losing to the likes of Google and Facebook.But they re reluctant to band together to demand better terms from big tech because of antitrust laws.So they ll be arguing for an exemption as Congress launches hearings about the tech giants practices.Last year, Google earned $4.7 billion from news -- a product it didn t make, and for which it didn t pay publishers. The search giant can do this because its size allows it to exercise an enormous level of control over newsrooms and publishers, getting them to present their information for free. Newsrooms can t push back against this because banding together to demand better t [url=]stanley cup[/url] erms would be a violation of antitrust law. That s the argument the News Media Alliance, which represents more than 2,000 news publishers across the U.S., will mak [url=]salomon[/url] e in a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing Tuesday. Focusing on tech platforms effects on journalism, it s the first of a series of hearings looking at antitrust activity in the tech sector. It s running parallel with the Trump administration s scrutiny of Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple. The challenge for the alliance will be demonstrating that the extensive damage for which they blame the online companies can t be handled by existing antitrust law. Facebook and Google, in parti [url=]yeezy[/url] cular, have often pointed to the fact that their content is free for users, supported by ads. That argument would be und Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Pmln Hurricane Dorian: What s new Saturday Stanley the Snowman, a magical frozen fella with a young girl sidekick, was born from bickering.Tampa artist Austin Janowsky s three daughters were quarreling on Christmas morning: who had more gifts, who had better gifts. That s really how it start [url=]stanley quencher[/url] ed, Janowsky said with a smile.Janowsky, who s worked for Disney, Universal, NASCAR and more, created a holiday story where family, tradition and merry magic trump crass commercialism. Less fighting, more sisterly love. The Stanley the Snowman series is published by Florida s own Scout Comics. I m a creative person, Janowsky said. I love telling stories. Inspired to write comics after falling in love with the X-Men, he also wanted to show his children that girls could be heroes, too. There are a lot of series going on where [url=]stanley water bottle[/url] there s a male lead, Janowsky said. For my daug [url=]stanley botella[/url] hters, I wanted to be able to say, here s a book specifically written with a female lead. He has had a wild career, including a later foray into filmmaking. Most recently, he filmed a documentary about legendary Tampa high school hoops coach Herman Valdes.But this time of year, it s Stanley season. Scout Comics just released a graphic novel that collects all the snowman stories so far.For more on Stanley the Snowman, click here. Plpy Texas couple born on same day, at same hospital, now married 23 years later On Sunday, tension escalated at the US-Mexico border as U.S. officials launched tear gas at a group of migrants rushing the border. Now, thousands of migrants are staying in temporary shelters across the border in Tijuana and Mexicali, hoping to claim asylum in America.For Edwin Hernandez, Carmen Lopez and their two children, it was an unimaginable journey to get to the border. For us, it s hard, Hernandez says. We never thought we d [url=]stanley mugs[/url] do this. The family traveled 2,500 miles by foot from their home in Honduras to the border town of Tijuana. The family formed a human chain, locking arms, and began their long trek, all in hopes of seeking asylum in the United States. Hernandez says they needed to leave due to escalating problems in their home country. Problems involving gangs and extortion, Hernandez explains.Hernandez says hes already seen two of his own cousins murdered by gangs, and he worries for his two children, ages 7 and 12. The problem is, Im just always thinking of the kids, Hernandez says. I think to myself, what s the point of doing this I m doing this for my two children and for her. The family wasnt at the border when tear gas was deployed on migrants trying to cross illegally on Sunday, but they saw the images. I would not want that to happen to my kids, or to me or to my husband. So, I would rather wait, says Lopez.They want to make sure they [url=]stanley becher[/url] enter legally by asking for asylum at an offici [url=]stanley cup[/url] al checkpoint.Right now, the closest thing they have to an official Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leifwoolQuate Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 [url=]это mailsco online[/url] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Awea The property line: Don t let new fee stop you from refinancing A 58-year-old man was shot and killed Friday morning after approaching deputies with a knife during an eviction, deputies say.The sheriff s office said the person on the lease of the apartment died in September. The 58-year-old lived with that [url=]stanley becher[/url] person, but his name was not on the lease and he continued to live there after his roommate s death. In many ways, he was squatting, Kaitlyn Perez, a spokesperson for the sheriff s office said.The apartment complex tried to handle things themselves, and eventually handed things over to the sheriff s office. Deputies posted an eviction notice Thursday at the minimum and may have spoken with the man as well. The notice gave the man 24 hours to leave or otherwise he would be physica [url=]stanley cup[/url] lly removed from the premises.He did not leave and Friday morning three deputies entered the apartment to make [url=]stanley website[/url] contact with him. At that point, the sheriff s office says the man armed himself with a knife and moved toward the deputies. At that time one of the deputies fired her weapon. The other deputies used verbal commands to try to de-escalate the situation, the sheriff s office said.The man who was shot has not been identified, as next of kin hasn t been notified yet.The incident happened in the city of Sarasota, but because Sarasota deputies were involved and they have a dedicated officer-involved shooting investigations team, the sheriff s office is leading the investigation. Any time you serve civil process paperwork it can be a highly emotionally char Pbhf Good Morning Tampa Bay now streaming from 5 to 10 a.m. MILWAUKEE AP 鈥?Authorities are asking the entire nation for help finding a missing 2-year-old girl after the arrest of a man suspected of fatally shooting her mother in Milwaukee this week, the citys police chief said Friday.Chief Alfonso Morales said the suspect, Dariaz Higgins, has been providing police with information on the whereabouts of his daughter, Noelani Robinson, but it all has proven to be untrue. [url=]stanley cup[/url] RELATED:Amber Alert issued for Wisconsin [url=]stanley cup[/url] toddler possibly headed to Florida with armed dangerous manMissing Noelani Robinson, 2, may be with relative, friend or acquaintance of suspect, police say The search to find Noelani has become a game to him. Its obviously apparent that he truly doesnt care about Noelani, Morales said.Authorities have not said when or where Noelani was last seen.Higgins, of Miami, is accused of fatally shooting 24-year-old Sierra Robinson and wounding one of her friends Monday. Police arrested him Wednesday and prosecutors have charged him with first-degree murder.Prosecutors said in charging do [url=]stanley cup[/url] cuments that Higgins traveled to Milwaukee to give Noelani to Robinson but its unknown if Higgins actually brought her with him. Police said Higgins was Robinsons pimp and they had been romantically involved, but were no longer together. Robinson left Noelani with Higgins when she moved to Las Vegas last month but wanted her back, authorities said.According to charging documents, Higgins, Robinson, and her friend spent time driving around togeth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Eepm Syrian family in Texas feels misjudged after Paris attacks Many A [url=]stanley cup[/url] mericans have come to enjoy the perks of working from their homes, which became makeshift offices during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the unplanned experiment in telecommuting is turning a corner as more people get vaccinated against the virus and companies gird for the new era of hybrid workplaces.Now, job seekers must weigh how important retaining the ability [url=]stanley cup[/url] to work remotely is to them against more conventional attributes, like pay or corporate culture. Indeed, in preparing for job interviews, it s wise for job candidates to plan their response to what in the post-pandemic landscape has become a standard interview ques [url=]stanley cups[/url] tion: Would you rather work from home or from the office Will employers ask where you want to work Most candidates these days should expect to be asked about their location preferences in job interviews, experts said. Our world has changed and this will be a topic employers do need to ask about, and candidates should feel empowered to be honest about their preferences, said Amy Lui Abel, vice president of human capital research at The Conference Board, a nonprofit research organization. Why commuting to work may have mental health benefits 06:49 It s not unreasonable to think that s going to be a question, added Katy Tynan, a future Dkej Boston fire crews respond to several manhole explosions BRISTOL, Conn.-- ESPN announced that it has fired network analyst and former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling following his comments on Facebook about transgender people.In a statement released Wednesday, ESPN said Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated. This week, Schilling reposted an image of an overweight man wearing a long blond wig and revealing women s clothing. It included the phrase: Let him in! To the restroom with your daughter or else you re a narrow minded, judgmental, unloving, raci [url=]adidas originals[/url] st bigot who needs to die!!! Post shared by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling. CBS Boston Schilling added his own comments, saying, A man is a man no matter what they call themselves and Now you need laws telling us differently Pathetic. Schilling was apparently referring to laws in several states that restrict bathroom access to transgender people.Schilling later deleted [url=]air max 1[/url] the post and defended himself in a blog post, CBS Boston reported. This latest brew ha ha is beyond hilarious, Schilling wrote on Tuesday. I didn t post that ugly looking picture. I made a comment about the basic functionality of mens and wome [url=]af1[/url] ns restrooms, period. Last summer, ESPN suspended Schilling for sharing a meme on several social media platforms, comparing Muslim e Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morrissautot Posted November 22, 2024 Share Posted November 22, 2024 Gpqi Family-owned Bloody Mary and Beer Companies team up in Pinellas County Owners were heartbroken after a litter of puppies exposed to a rabies-positive puppy during a Colorado adoption event last month were told to surrender the [url=]stanley termoska[/url] ir pets to be eu [url=]stanley cup spain[/url] thanized.The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is contacting people fostering the puppies about surrendering the 11 puppies for animal euthanasia.The action is being taken after a puppy adopted from Moms and Mutts Colorado Rescue for Pregnant and Nursing Dogs MAMCO tested positive for the virus on Wednesday. The animal has since been euthanized.MAMCO holds adoption events every Saturday, and one couple was ready to welcome a puppy into their home. On July 20, Jessica Eden and Keith Bryk took home Musubi, the puppy they had been eagerly waiting for. However, they soon learned their puppy could have been exposed to rabies. His name initially was Audio, but then we switched it to Musubi, which we ve actually got our Musubi shirts on, Eden said. The CDPHE shared on Friday that one of the puppies at this adoption event tested positive for rabies. One of the tragedies in this situation is that puppies typically aren t vaccinated against rabies until they re several months old. So these puppies were too young to be vaccinated when they were exposed to what we believe was an infected skunk, State Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Herlihy said.Aron Jones, the director of MAMCO, described the puppies health and happiness when they arrived from Texas. He wasn t symptomatic until much later, and [url=]stanley cups uk[/url] so it w Vobv CORONAVIRUS CURFEW: Manatee County leaders vote to lift curfew A group fighting to get recreational marijuana on the November ballot announced it is setting its sights on 2022.The political committee, Make It Legal Florida, released a statement on Monday saying the narrow time frame to submit and verify more than 700,000 signatures prompted the group [url=]stanley cup price[/url] to instead focus on making the 2022 ballot. FULL CIRCLE INVESTIGATION: Campaign funding fight fuels push to legalize recreational marijuana in FloridaWith that being said, the chances of recreational marijuana to voters is out this calendar year.Hours after the announcement, local Senator Jeff Brandes R-St. Petersburg j [url=]stanley taza[/url] ust filed a similar bill that would give lawmakers control of the issue.The bill -- SB 1860, or the Availability of Marijuana for Adult Use -- would legalize recreational marijuana for those 21 and older.Nick Hansen, the chairman of Make It [url=]stanley cup[/url] Legal Florida, released the following statement: With the support of over 67 percent of Florida voters, Make it Legal Florida is proud to have gathered more than 700,000 signed petitions in the effort to bring adult-use cannabis to the Sunshine State.The narrow timeframe to submit and verify those signatures has prompted our committee to shift focus to now gain ballot access in 2022.We re looking forward to Supreme Court review of our efforts and working in collaboration with state leaders to ensure the supermajority of Floridians voices are heard. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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